Dimitri Maksimov es un artista/ilustrador/fotógrafo ruso. Mezclando las tres técnicas crea imágenes llenas de seres que se mimetízan con el ambiente. Vean su página ... una imagen dice más que mil palabras...
Este es un nuevo concepto para disfrutar de lagos, ríos y y demás espacios acuáticos.
"The Bionic Dolphin is powered by a 400 horsepower small-block V8 (the same standard engine that powered the 2005 Corvette) and can travel on the surface of the water like a boat or completely submerged like a submarine. While the current models are only single-seaters Rowe has also designed a two-seat prototype that will serve as the production model. The Bionic Dolphin should be ready for release in 2009 for around $120, 000 USD. Source the Bionic Dolphin via OhGizmo."